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If it's Tuesday, this must be Dundalk...

Most mission trips include multiple destinations. Even a trip to a single location usually involves staying a few different places or taking some day trips. Rather than try to describe everything on one page, it's often better to break the trip up and talk about each destination.

I just wanted to take a minute of your time to let you know of the mission
trip that I took to Ireland with 22 of my friends from church. We were
touring the country from North to South starting in Belfast and nearby
Lisburn. We stayed with host families for 2 nights. My host makes guitars
for a living in a nearby factory. The guitars are Lewden guitars and retail
for about 1500 pounds or 2000 dollars.

We went south to Dundalk and Drogheda and did music and drama in the
streets and in two small churches. God blessed us with sun for the street
portion of the work. We were also blessed to meet many Irish people who
know and love the Lord. Truly Jesus is alive all over the world, in every
nation, with every tongue and of every tribe.

Then it was on to Cork and Galway.


I can't remember exactly where this photo was taken.
.........Somewhere in Ireland.

Places We Went

I may include a link to the current weather in Ireland below.

Pastors Rick and Jodie Nichols planned the trip. We were hosted by a great group of Christians in Ireland.
Thanks to the Dukes and Jim Irvine